CUNE is actually C.V.N.E

This brand CUNE actually should read CVNE. When the wine was first produced and bottled back in the late 1800’s, the printer received the first label design which was CVNE, an acronym, he didn’t know that and it didn’t make sense ( there were no dots!) so he changed it to CUNE, without letting the Real de Asua brothers know! The brothers had arrived in Haro, Northern Spain, initially for health reasons and but led to them creating the Compania Vinicola del Norte de Espana ( C.V.N.E) The bottles were labelled and entered into a competition, and won! So the name stuck, and the birth of a family winery has survived five generations and is still owned by the same family today.
The World Famous architect Aleixandre Gustave Eiffel, designed the cellar at C.V.N.E. The cellar has no columns , the roof is supported by steel trusses running from wall to wall allowing for a large open space that significantly improved management of barrels in the cellar, to make racking, maintenance, and monitoring of the wine barrels easier. It is imposing and impressive and worth a visit!